English to telugu font
English to telugu font

The translator is uncredited, and the quality of the text is unintelligible. This text is a translation of a government advertisement published in English. The Government Gazette published the first printed material using movable type in the Telugu on Thursday, 1 April 1802 (Image 1). The intention to publish saw the requirement for a Telugu type. These two papers printed content in English and contained some additional material in Tamil, Hindustani (Urdu), and Telugu. In 1795, the Government Gazette, edited by John Goldingham (1767 – July 1849), and the Madras Gazette, owned by the EIC’s solicitor, Robert Williams (23 April 1735 – 17 January 1814), was founded. However, the first printing in Telugu was short texts in multilingual newspapers printed at Madras. Therefore the EIC intended on publishing a grammar and dictionary of the Telugu language. The Muslims used Hindustani (currently referred to as Urdu, one of the two significant registers of Hindustani). The Hindu population spoke Tamil and Telugu. Madras, the capital of the Madras Presidency, was multilingual. The East India Company (EIC) saw the necessity for its personnel to learn the vernacular languages spoken in the areas it operated to communicate with its residents.

English to telugu font